Suggestions and Complaints




This practice offers an informal in-house procedure to deal with complaints about the services we provide.

We attempt to resolve problems swiftly and take action as appropriate when we have failed to achieve the high standards we aim for.

If you wish to complain, in the first instance, you can write to Rebecca Cook, Practice Manager or Michelle Gavin, Operations Manager at Parkside Group Practice, 27 Wyche Grove, South Croydon CR2 6EX or you can contact us via Klinik or by our secure online form.

Alternatively, patients can contact the NHS South West London Integrated Care Board by telephone 0800 026 6082, via the NHS South West London website or by post NHS South West London, 120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London SW19 1RH. 

If the complaint cannot be resolved within the practice, you can contact The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman which makes final decisions on unresolved complaints about the NHS in England. It is an independent service which is free for everyone to use. To take your complaint to the Ombudsman, visit the Parlimentary and Health Service Ombudsman website or call 0345 015 4033.

Patients can also contact CUH Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) who can guide you, your family and friends through the different service available at the Trust and help you sort out any concerns you may have about the care you receive. The PALS office is situated on the first floor of the London Wing at Croydon University Hospital. The office is open from 9.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Thursday, and from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Friday.  Tel: 020 8401 3210 or 020 8401 3000 and bleep 866 or 867.